Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Yearly Countdown

If anyone knows my sister Becky, then you know that during the month of February and March she will start to send out her "Birthday Countdown" via email. Every time she talks to you she will somehow work in the conversation a reminder of her upcoming Birthday and gift ideas so you wouldn't be at a loss when shopping for her. Her birthday is on March 17th (St. Patty's Day) but it feels more like her Birthday Month!

Sometimes I tease her that she "drives me crazy". And for the most part that is true. Her stupid countdown emails DO drive me crazy. But I can't deny that it brings a smile to my face because I can just picture her sitting at her desk thinking up of all kinds of gift ideas for herself and wanting her birthday to be here soon. She is just as bad as a little girl. That's probably one of the reasons I love her so.

My sister and I are such complete opposites. She is spontaneous, carefree and is "excited" about EVERYTHING! Oh and she tries to hug me way too much. I'm a planner, always with my lists and can't stop working or planning. I want things done now and get irritated when I'm not accomplishing a task. Sometimes I'm jealous of her and her carefree ways. Maybe jealous is not a good word. No...I'm not jealous, I ADMIRE her for her ways and I LOVE her for her wonderful qualities. Yes, those same qualities that "drive me crazy" but I think it's because I don't understand what it's like to be her.

So even though I roll my eyes when I see her yearly birthday countdown beginning, I also don't want those emails to stop. Who would "lighten me up" if it wasn't Becky? God made us sisters for a reason and I love that!

By the way, as of today the countdown is 20 DAYS TILL BECKY'S BIRTHDAY!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sneak Peek - Roxy & Manuel

Here is just a sneak peek of Roxy & Manuel's wedding album. I just LOVE this couple...they are both such a cool couple and Manuel just cracks me up!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's finally here!

My website is finally up and running! Please go to www.hopetocapture.com and check it out. I'm having a "Show the Love" contest and will be giving away a free photo shoot. Check my website for all the details.